Membership Tiers
(Only 25 spots available)
- All Trustee level benefits.
- Your name and logo included in all breakfast event marketing (emails, newspaper, sponsor boards, Power Point).
- Exclusive listing on the chamber website.
- Dedicated business profile page in the Guide to the Palm Beaches.
- All gold membership benefits.
- Membership in the Trustee program ($2,500 value)
- One table of ten at a chamber breakfast, except for the State of the City
- Special listing on the chamber website with link to your website
- Profile published in the Palm Beach Post
- Profile published in the Trustee Section of the Guide to the Palm Beaches.
- All enhanced membership benefits.
- Digital mailing list of all members ($350 value)
- Banner advertising on chamber website for 3 months ($2,000 value)
- $1,200 in credits to be used towards event registration or sponsorship.
- All basic membership benefits.
- Enhanced listing on website
- One free ribbon cutting ($60 value)
- One free boardroom rental ($60 value)
- One free registration to 4 breakfast events, except for the State of the City Breakfast ($240 value)
- Banner advertising in Chamber Update, our weekly electronic newsletter, for one month ($1,000 value)
- Basic listing on website
- Post jobs on chamber job board
- Post deals/discounts/specials on website
- Post news releases on website
- Post events on chamber calendar
- Discount pricing for chamber events